Dear Carsten Knoll, dear all,
thank you for setting this up, I am looking forward to the exchange. From my point of view, starting with an online meeting would be a great idea.
Unfortunately, this month is quite full for me and I’m starting to fall behind with my work (hence my late reply), so for the moment, I would like to refrain from any additional organisational tasks. But since I’m sure, this is the case for most of you, so I would agree to help prepare anything after December 1th, if it was not possible to set up a meeting until then.

Best regards, and hopefully see you soon
Philipp Schneider

Research Assistant for the project 
Coats of Arms in Practice

University Chair for Digital History
Departement of History
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Am 06.11.2021 um 20:58 schrieb Carsten Knoll <>:

Dear all,

welcome to the pysemtec mailing list. \o/ \o/ \o/

Content of this mail:

1. Organizing a first online meeting
2. How to use this (and other pysemtec) mailing list(s)?
3. How to handle governance in this group?

- - - -

1. As written in the invitation, the goal of this group and
communication medium is to enable and to foster the cross-project
exchange and collaboration in the field of python-related semantic

To get this community started I would propose an online meeting (between
week 47 and 49) where every participant has max. 5min screen-time to
answer, e.g., the following questions:

- Who am I?
- Which kind of problems do I deal with?
- What are my projects?
- What software do I use?
- What kind of software or features or docs I am missing?
- Which ideas and expectations for the community do I have?

This might take 20min-30min. Then, I guess, there will be questions and
topics for discussion, which might also take 30min.

As I hope for the community to grow further, I think it would be nice to
archive the self-presentations (on a voluntary basis) on the pysemtec
website. That way future members can get an idea who they are
communicating with. Therefore, I suggest for the slides to use a
markdown based solution as
(scroll down to see and edit source code) as this simplifies the
compilation to one html file later.

What do you think? If there is enough positive feedback the next step
would be a date poll.

Is anybody interested in helping in preparing this meeting? :)

- - - -

2. I think we all are get more mails and messages then we feel
comfortable with. However, here we are on a new mailing list. Naturally,
some question arise: How many mails (per week) are acceptable for us?
Should there be a separate list for detailed discussions of particular
interest (e.g. while this list here is
reserved for a few important messages? Is email the appropriate medium
anyway or should we rely on another one (chat? reddit?)?

I think, the current number of list members (7) is small enough to solve
such questions simply via the mailing list itself. If that turns out to
be too cumbersome, I would switch to a polling method, however.

- - - -

3. Experience shows that communication among people can lead to
conflicts and frustration and that such situations can significantly
harm the activities of a community. If such a situation arises it is
typically too late to establish problem solving mechanisms (because they
might be rejected as 'biased' etc.) Therefore, I think, it would be wise
to establish a basic consensus about how this group is governed (i.e.
how it governs itself) in the initial phase.

In particular, I suggest the pysemtec group (i.e. every participant)
self-commits to the official python code of conduct [1] (directly where
it is applicable and mutatis mutandis elsewhere).

For group-wide decision making there are two considerable models: (a)
benevolent dictator (as practiced until 2018 in the python community)
(b) voting based democracy. While I would prefer (b) (probably in the
vein of [2], or even fully consensus oriented) I could also live with
option (a) for some time. This model – with me as (hopefully benevolent)
dictator – is the current de-facto situation anyway as I control the
domain and the mailing list server.

[1] (Python Community Code of Conduct)
[2] (Python Language Governance)

My goal is, that the pysemtec group becomes an active and
"low-maintainance" community and that some kind of election scheme can
be established next year or so. For now, when most people do not know
anything about each other and the group yet has zero achievements it
would imho be overkill to already establish a formal governance
structure. So, I try to find a good compromise between keeping the noise
level low and finding out and implementing the preferences of the community.

Of course comments, improvement suggestions etc. on all of these issues
are very welcome. Please deliberately decide whether to send feedback
off- or on list.


Carsten Knoll, Dr.-Ing.
Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungstheorie
Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden

Institute of Control Theory
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden, Germany

Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a, Raum 409
Tel.: +49-351-463-33268
Fax:  +49-351-463-37281




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